Doi Luang Chiang Dao

Doi Luang Chiang Dao

Piang Dao - a mind resort

A. Mind Resort

A place for the mind to be challenged or rested through contemplation, meditation and/or reflection.

Epicureanism as a life of relaxing, thinking, eating, drinking, socializing
An environment of unique accommodation, fresh food, generous drinks, and therapeutic massage.

B. Learning and Research Centre & Library

A place for learning through mentoring. Allowing for informal discussions and long ‘wisdom’ walks.

Informal evening presentations by visiting guests – academics, specialists, etc

Community learning with the children of Piang Dao

Researching Design and Art as a process and a new testing ground for ideas on creating contemplative places. Environments of Architecture, Interior, Water, Landscape and Art and how these can be integrated, fused and amalgamated.

‘Creative residency’ scholarships from 1 – 6 months time

C. Museum of Contemplation

A must see, must experience place for designers, architects, artists, body and mind experts, etc. to visit. Seeking regional recognition

Theory and practice based research models

Show casing the research, the processes, and the case studies of each environment.